Hey Bunny with a Toolbelt Fans!!! We're kicking off Summer 2009 with our first ever contest, open to anyone and everyone with a love of words, cleverness, or just a deep desire to cash in on the amazing grand prize.
Okay, so here's how it goes: I will give a $100 gift certificate to my
Etsy store to the person who writes the best limerick about one of my Bunny with a Toolbelt items from my
Etsy store, Bunny with a Toolbelt blog, or
website. All entries will be posted on the Bunny with a Toolbelt blog along with an image of the item the limerick is about, as well as in a special online photo album I will make on Picasa.

Each entry will give credit to the limerick writer, as well as a website link of their choosing, so even if you don't win the $100 shopping spree, you still win the eternal fame of free publicity.
Contest ends July 14, 2009 so get your thinking caps on and send your entries to me at
bunnywithatoolbelt@gmail.com. Don't forget to include your name and favorite web link! (It doesn't matter if you don't have a website of your own--feel free to mention a friend or other entity.) If you need to brush up on your limerick skills,
click here.
Good luck! And whether you compete or not, check back here or the Bunny with a Toolbelt
twitters for entries as they come in!